Single People in Poland and Brasil on Social Isolation: Living Situations

[in:] Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Sociologica, nr 83/2022

Gender, Age and Gendered Age in Relation to Attitudes to One’s Own Appearance and Health

Ewa Malinowska, Krystyna Dzwonkowska-Godula, Emilia Garncarek, Julita Czernecka, Joanna Brzezińska, 2017, Publisher University of Lodz Press, Lodz

Single and the City

2014, Publisher University of Lodz Press and Jagiellonian University Press, Lodz-Cracow, Distribution: Cambridge University Press

Bella DePaulo, Single in Poland: Meaningful Work, and Connections to Family and Friends. You can find an article about the book here.

Bella DePaulo, Why Are You Single? International Edition. You can find an article about the book here.


Being single as a result of failures in building a relationship

in: Katarzyna  Adamczyk (Ed.), 2016, Singlehood From Individual and Social Perspective, Libron Press, Cracow

Being single as a Result of Expierience from Their Family of Origin

in: Katarzyna Adamczyk, Monika Wysota (Eds.), 2014, Functioning of Young Adults in a Changing World, Libron Press, Poznan

Diversity Management

in: Claudia Quaiser-Pohl, Vera Ruthsatz, Marina Endepohls-Ulpe (Eds.), 2013, Diversity and Diversity Management in Education –  A European Perspective, Waxmann Press, Munster/New York, Munchen/Berlin

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